Starszy mężczyzna opiera się o ścianę z założonymi rękami i ma na sobie czarny sweter z golfem.

Ethics at EOS

Ethics is a heart of our business.
For 25 years we have been changing the financial market and finances for the better.

Membership of the Association of Financial Companies in Poland

EOS is a member of the Association of Financial Companies in Poland, which for over 20 years has been has been working to develop the financial market and raise ethical standards in the industry. By spreading knowledge on the financial market and its mechanisms, we contribute to the creation of the image of the companies operating on it as public trust institutions.

Association of Financial Companies

At EOS we apply the Principles of Good Practice (ZDP), which is a set of principles of conduct based on general moral norms and consistent with the law in force in the Republic of Poland, adopted for use by companies operating on the financial market, in particular those connected with the consumer finance market, which are members of the Association of Financial Companies in Poland. In addition to the Principles of Good Practice, at EOS we have adopted specific guidelines for the process of selling receivables.
Logo: ZPF | Przestrzegamy Zasad Dobrych Pratyk ZPF

The Principles of Good Practices

The Principles of Good Practices are a set of standards that EOS applies as a debt management company:

  • ZDP define acceptable methods of debt collection which are ethical and respect the moral principles and rights of the defaulting payers;
  • ZDP define the obligation to act in accordance with the law, in accordance with ethical standards and respect the rights of the defaulting payers;
  • ZDP constitute a guarantee that each of our employees is obliged to know the rules and follow them, and to provide reliable information and explanations,
  • ZDP define how to communicate about debt by phone, letter, or e-mail and in a face-to-face conversation;
  • ZDP regulates which practices are forbidden and prohibited.
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Audit by the Ethics Committee of the Union of Financial Companies in Poland

As a member of the Union of Financial Enterprises in Poland (ZPF), EOS once a year undergoes an Ethics Audit, conducted by the ZPF Ethics Committee, verifying compliance with the Good Practice Principles.

The Ethics Audit conducted by the ZPF Ethics Committee includes 2 components: a preliminary ethics audit and a periodic ethics audit. The former is mandatory for companies applying for admission to ZPF. The periodic ethics audit, on the other hand, is mandatory for all ZPF members annually in January. During it, the Ethics Committee examines the extent to which members' procedures and practices meet the ethical standards contained in the ZPF Good Practice Principles. The periodic audit procedure ends with the issuance of a certificate of compliance with the ZDP.

The following certificate confirms that we have passed the audit at EOS.
Ethics Certificate for EOS Poland (60 kb)
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Application to ZPF Ethics Committee

Any EOS client may submit a complaint, claim or application to the ZPF Ethics Committee directly or through the ZPF Ethics Ombudsman:

  • by letter to the address of the ZPF Office: ul. Długie Pobrzeże 30, 80-888 Gdańsk
  • by fax: (58) 302-92-64
  • by e-mail:
ZPF Ethics Programme Application to the Ethics Committee Information material about the Ethics Committee and the Ethics Ombudsman of the ZPF Ethics Committee and Ethics Officer


CESSIO Investors 2021

First place in the Investor of the Year category

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Pracownicy EOS siedzą w nowoczesnym biurze i prowadzą spotkanie, robiąc notatki.

Corporate Responsibility

The four key areas of our CR (Corporate Responsibility) strategy, which we are constantly developing and refining, are based on ethical principles.
Learn more

Responsible debt collection

We are committed to respectful and honest cooperation with debtors and business partners. Our aim is first and foremost to provide lasting support in solving financial problems.

Joint development

At EOS, we care about all employees - we promote empowerment, diversity and inclusion within different backgrounds. All our employees are provided with appropriate working conditions.

Environment protection and becoming climate neutral

We take care of our planet and respect the environment. We are planning to make all EOS Group offices climate-neutral by 2030.

Standards in the financial market

We are committed to high standards in the financial sector and apply the Good Practice Principles of the Association of Financial Companies in Poland (ZPF).

Code of Conduct of the EOS Group

What is the Code of Conduct?
The basis of our business (both EOS Poland and EOS Group) is ethics and acting in accordance with the law. The Code of Conduct is a set of principles and our written declaration of compliance with them.  

Why was it established and how do we apply it?
The success of a company is not only about its results. We also achieve our goals through sustainable entrepreneurship, social responsibility, integrity and ethics. The Code shows who we are and how we work.
It stands at the heart of all the company's activities and therefore our corporate culture. Every employee of the EOS Group (including EOS Poland) is obliged to respect that Code.

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